Thinking Spatially

Earthbound Geospatial Icon-DesignAt Earthbound we are aware that geospatial technologies are spreading beyond traditional application areas. Eighty percent of all data contain a geographical reference. Geographic information systems tie tabular data to real world locations allowing informed spatial thinking to drive intelligent decision making. Leveraging the power of geo-enabled data makes connections between the where? and why? possible. Earthbound Geospatial is a geographic information systems consultant company and a provider of geospatial services experienced with the latest technologies from international, industry-leading hardware and software providers. Research by the Geospatial Information & Technology Association (GITA) indicates that because the uses for geospatial technology are so widespread and diverse, the market is growing at an annual rate of almost 35 percent, with the commercial subsection of the market expanding at a rate of 100 percent each year. Earthbound geospatial is prepared to be an innovative provider of the increasing number of geospatial products and services entering the marketplace. It is clear that the application areas which could potentially benefit from GIS data are growing, and Earthbound geospatial is ready to meet that demand with a deep understanding of the applications and data products end-users require, the workflows through which the products are derived, and the systems that support their creation.

Earthbound geospatial provides services including geospatial data creation and management, spatial database development, cartographic products, GIS-based web applications with cloud-based hosting and field data collection solutions.